Monday, November 7, 2011

Super Easy Homemade Yogurt in Your Crockpot!


I was not so sure about making homemade yogurt in the past for a few reasons.  ……..It just sits out for how many hours?  Sounds like a lot of work (okay, I really never knew what it entailed but it sounded labor intensive Winking smile)  Why wouldn’t you just buy it? 

Okay, so since on our 100 Days of Real Food Pledge I have been making so much more from scratch and we have been saving money, feeling better and losing weight!  So, why not try it.  Once again I was looking for the easy way out….crockpot would mean I don’t have to stand around the stove.  I love it, hubby loves it and better yet the kids LOVE it!!  Simple, few ingredients, CHEAP and absolutely delish!

The picture above is super thick like Greek yogurt.  The beauty of it is that you can make it as runny or thick as you want easily.  So here it is……

Recipe: Crockpot Yogurt

Prep Time: 11 hours  |  Cook Time: 2 hours  |  Yield: Approx. 1/2 gallon


  • 1/2 gallon milk (We use Organic whole milk.  Do not use ultra-pasteurized)
  • 1 cup plain yogurt with active cultures (Once you make your 1st batch, just keep 1 cup for your next batch as a starter)
  1. Pour milk into crockpot.
  2. Cover, turn on high and let the milk heat until almost boiling (just starting to bubble).  The actual temp is 180F, but I don't use the thermometer.  Mine takes about 2 hours.
  3. Turn the crockpot off. Take the lid of and let cool back down to 115F or where you can stick your finger in and leave it for 10 seconds.   Stir it around every once in a while as it's cooling.
  4. Stir in 1 cup of plain yogurt from the store.
  5. Put lid back on, wrap entire crockpot with a beach or bath towel and set away for 8-12 hours.   I usually stick it in the oven (oven is off) so that it can stay warm longer.
  6. I  strain ours to get a thicker yogurt but you don’t have to.  I take a piece of cheese cloth folded over about 4 times and line a strainer or colander.  Put the strainer/colander in a bowl to catch the liquid (whey) and just stick it in the fridge.  The longer you leave it the thicker it gets.  Check it after an hour to see if it is your desired consistency.
  7. Stir it up and put in your containers. (I rinse out my cheese cloth and hang it to dry for next time.)

Below is what happens if you strain it over night…..super thick yogurt!  The jar on the left is whey and the one on the right is the yogurt.  I did mix some of the whey back into the yogurt so it wasn’t soooo thick. 


Breakfast this morning with our fresh yogurt!  Crew had his with granola and cranberries and Goose likes hers with blueberries, cranberries, walnuts and almonds.  They each had two bowls and then asked for more.  In our house we call this a “Do it again recipe!”


Oh yes, this cost $1.80!  Frugally happy Mom =)

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