Thursday, September 20, 2012

A New Year! 2012 - 2013 Curriculum

2nd Grade and Kinder!  Can that be true?  They are growing up so very fast and we are going into our 3rd year of homeschooling.  Who would have ever thought? ;)  We have been so very blessed learning, exploring, and growing together.  It really has been amazing!  We continue to be an eclectic homeschooling family.  Classically Charolette Mason?


Bible  We are so excited to be using the Grapevine curriculum “Stick figuring your way through the Bible” along with their bible verses for Awana.

Math Saxon 3 & 1  Crew is half way through the 3rd grade book so I need to decide whether to stay with Saxon for the upper grades or to continue researching our options.  Saxon 1 for Goose.

Phonics/Grammar  First Language Lessons by Jessie Wise 2nd Grade, Explode the Code 5 & 6 for Crew.  Goose will be doing Explode the Code 1 & 2 and Parents Ordinary Guide to Teaching Reading 

Picture Study/Narration/Copy work  Language Lessons for the Very Young  and Language Lessons for Little Ones by Sandi Queen

Literature and Poetry  Charlotte Mason Help 

Daily Free Reading  Book lists found on Charlotte Mason Help as well as Read for the Heart by Sarah Clarkson.  We will also continue to use Book Adventure for reading comprehension.



History   A Child's History of the World by VM Hillyer  World History Overview (Ancients, Creation-100BC)
American History (Exploring America, Colonies)

Spanish In addition to the Spanish course they are taking at a local charter school, Crew will be using Mango Languages offered free through our local library.

Writing We are trying out Write Shop Primary Book B.  Goose has also been able to join us using this book so far.  We are on their 3 day a week schedule.

Geography We will be studying both local and world geography using a number of different resources.  Mostly books and maps :)

Nature Study  Charlotte Mason Help's schedule.

Art/Music  For music we will be studying Orchestra, Ballet and Opera.  Our artist study comes from Erica @ Confessions of a Homeschooler.

Handicrafts  Things we will work on:  Habits/Life Skills - Polite Moments by Plain Path Publishers, Cooking, Finger knitting, & Sewing

Computer  Typing & Carrot Sticks for math facts practice.

PE Gymnastics, yoga/Pilate's videos 3 days a week and of course lots of biking & running training for races.

The kids take a Science & Spanish class through a local program 2 days a week,  piano lessons with Ms. Rebekah and Awana.

Okay, I think that is everything.  We don't have a rigid schedule but more of a routine or flow to our day.  I am sure things will be added and maybe even removed as we go through the year.

We are 5 weeks into this curriculum and are really having fun and enjoying our time together.  Crew loves having his sister "really" (as he puts it) schooling with him this year.
