Maybe we should just call it eclectic. Our school year has begun and we are loving it! We are not using a packaged curriculum and it is probably because of the teacher in me. I enjoyed researching the sooooo many options out there this summer wanting to find something that we will love for the long run; because after all Crew is now in 1st grade.
We love what we are doing but yes, I have already made small tweaks here and there. Love being able to do that!
I have recently come to the realization that Gods homeschooling plan for us is so much more than a “better” education. Through prayer, listening and obedience he has helped me select our curriculum to fit OUR families needs at this very time in our lives.

1st Grade with Crew
Calendar This has changed this year for Crew. This is a quick independent activity for him while Goose and I do hers together. I will post pics of each of their calendars later.
Bible We are reading What Would Jesus Do? by Helen Haidle and Read with Me Bible. I am looking into the Grapevine curriculum “Stick figuring your way through the Bible”
Saxon 2 for Math We did Saxon 1 in kindergarten so have moved on to Saxon 2 this year.
Phonics/Grammar First Language Lessons by Jessie Wise, The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading by Jessie Wise and Sara Buffington and Explode the Code 3 & 4 Each of these takes 5 minutes or less to complete
Picture Study/Narration/Copy work Language Lessons for the Very Young by Sandi Queen
Ambleside Online for Literature, History, Geography, Natural History/Science, Poetry and their wonderful reading booklists of quality literature I love Ambleside Online for their rich literature and an awesome weekly reading schedule for the entire year. Yes, they planned for me =).
Free Reading Booklists found on Ambleside Online
Nature Study Backyard Pets by Carol A Amato & Teaching Kids to Love the Earth
Art/Music We are following Ambleside’s schedule for artist and composer study.
Handicrafts Things we will work on: Habits/Life Skills, Cooking, Finger knitting, & Sewing
* Crew takes a Science & Spanish class through a local program 2 days a week. He continues to swim with Coach Russ, takes piano lessons with Ms. Rebekah and has also started Cub Scouts.
About one hour of our day is sitting at our schooling table doing Math and Language Arts. The rest of our day is on the couch, in the kitchen, outside or wherever our studies take us. The biggest tweak for us is that I have really moved away from a timely schedule this year and am focusing on a rhythm/flow to our daily lives that includes learning (sometimes through books and sometimes through life).

Pre K with Goose
Calendar From the dollar section at Target. I will post pics later.
Bible w/brother
Phonics/Reading/Writing The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading (because she wants to read like Crew), Language Lessons for Little Ones by Sandi Queen, Getting Ready for The Code A,B & C
Math The Great Big Book of Math Preschool
Other Workbox activity ideas from Sift & Shout by Randy Granovetter, Alphabet Art by Judy Press, and many blogs I follow!
Goose enjoys her one-on-one time with me, sitting with Crew and I, independent workbox activities and sometimes just playing on her own in the backyard or her room. Though I have books/curriculum selected for her ,we follow this pretty loosely. Some days she likes to sit and school with us (to be like Crew) and other days she rather just play.
They are both amazing little people and I am so very blessed to be home with them!