Monday, February 28, 2011

Kindergarten with Crew–Workbox 2

Workbox 2……Let’s get into his word! 

Time for prayer, memory verse/activity, a Bible story, a worship song and devotion!  This is one we all do together.

We start off by praying together for our day, family, friends and what God has planned for us. Really, anything we want to talk to him about.

We then read a story from one of our children’s Bibles.  We are currently reading 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs.  We started with the first story and are moving along in order.  I love this Bible for our time together as each story has a worship song to go along with it.  Crew usually just sits in my lap and sings while Goose dances all around!


This same author has other books too like, 100 Devotions 100 Bible Songs and 100 Bible Heroes 100 Bible Songs.  I haven’t used either of these, but I am tempted to get them since we love the one we have so much.

For our Bible memory verse we are using the verse that goes along with Goose’s Preschool Letter of the Week….. Raising Rock Stars Preschool.  It is great because there are a few activities each week that go along with the verse.  Crew even uses it for his copy work!

Raising Rock Stars Preschool


Mondays:  Introducing and coloring our Bible verse


Fridays:  Cutting and taping the Bible verse in order for Goose.  Cutting, taping and copying the Bible verse for Crew.



Tues, Wed, & Thursday we look up the Bible verse in Mom’s Bible, do a related craft, etc..

Before we wrap up Workbox 2 and continue our day we do a devotion together.  Right now we are learning what it looks like to trust God when we are feeling and experiencing different things.  Today we talked about how we can trust God in a time of fear.  We have used a few different children’s devotionals throughout the year.  There are truly soooo many to choose from!

Crew’s favorite Bible to read on his own right now is The Beginners Bible by Kelly Pulley.  This Bible has great colorful illustrations and simple text for beginning readers.


Okay, now we are ready for our day!

Do you have a favorite devotional or children’s Bible?  Please do share!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Kindergarten with Crew–Workbox 1

I am usually posting about crafts, art, Tot Trays and Preschool with Goose.  Well, here is how Crew starts his school day.

Crew’s Day – Workbox 1


Workbox 1 doesn’t change much from day to day.  It gives Crew the opportunity to ease into his schoolwork.  He starts off his day independently signing in on a small white board.  He writes his name and the date 2 different ways.


In this first workbox, he will also find one of his 3 journals.  The idea of journaling came from his love of drawing pictures about things we have done together.  Slowly it went from just pictures to labeling and then writing sentences.

Journal 1 allows for a lot of creativity.  Some days he writes about his experiences and other days he creates a sticker story or writes a story about a preprinted picture. 



A foam sticker story…..


Here I printed a picture of 3 dogs running.  He colored them in, added a few more details and  wrote a story to go with it.CIMG5960

Journal 2 has different types of prompts with word banks.  We just got this one and he loves it.  Maybe it is just the change, but it is really helping him add details to his writing.




Journal 3 is a Math Journal.  There are days he asks for this one as he is not in the mood to do as much writing.  I am pretty flexible with this.  I have preprinted math journal prompts ready for him.  I usually have 4 or 5 for him to choose from at a time.


There is not a prompt on the one below.  He just wanted to write a math story problem as this is something he is doing in Saxon 1 right now.  Like I said, this is a pretty flexible time.


While Crew is doing Workbox 1, I get some time with Goose to work on one of her preschool boxes.  She still has a mix between Tot Trays and some workboxes with preschool work.  We do whatever she is in the mood for.  Sometimes she joins Crew and journals herself.  The last time we were in Lakeshore she said she wanted her own journal too.  How can I say no to that =)



I love monkeys!

That’s it!  Pretty simple and it has been amazing to see his growth from day one to day 115.

Do you have a creative way you journal or start your day? 


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Two Wheels!!

Goose moved on to two wheels today!  While on a family bike ride on a local trail, Goose kept stopping to tell us how frustrated she was to not be able to keep up with big brother.  Without any tools on the trail, Dad bent her training wheels up and just like that away she went.  Impressive! 

When we arrived home the training wheels were properly taken off and she enjoyed the ride.  I know I wasn’t doing this at 3.  Go Goose!



This summer will be fun……everyone on 2 wheels!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!



What’s in Goose’s Workboxes/Tot Trays???

We are continuing with the letter “V” this week for Valentines Day!


Letter “V” collage with foam stickers and Conversation Hearts


All the materials a 3 year old needs to make Daddy a Valentine


Pink and Red Play dough


Sorting & Graphing Foam Stickers


What was Crew doing? 

Well, he began by writing some sentences using Conversation Hearts.  He loved this and it was a great change from his journal.


We also did some graphing together sorting and counting!


Daddy’s home!  Time for dinner….mmmmm!


Better yet, dessert!  Learning all about fondue =)


Dark chocolate, strawberries and pound cake…..enough said!


Happy Valentines Day!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines Crafts!

I love Valentines Day.  Yes, I know the Hallmark holiday.  Well, you don’t have to make it that.  I love hearts and that warm fuzzy feeling from giving to others.  We read and talk about love, family and friendships.  Okay, we also enjoy some Valentines Day crafts!

Coffee Filter Hearts….


Cool, watch the colors spread!


  • White coffee filters (cut into the shape of hearts…different sizes)
  • Liquid watercolors (any colors)
  • Droppers

Hmmm…..where she we put them?  They look awesome on the storm door with the sunlight coming through them!  Fun, easy, frugal, quick =)




My favorite so far!  We  made Dad a really cool pen holder for his desk at work.  Yes, in the link they are for votive candles which is also really cool.  Thanks Simple Mama for an afternoon of fun with my kiddos and something to cherish for years to come!  Valentines Day Votive  or pen holders…hee hee!




Visit Simple Mama’s website (link above) for materials and directions! 

Happy crafting!
