Tot Tray ideas: Day 1
Goose (3 1/2 years) is still enjoying Tot Trays along side some preschool activities. She has shown interest in preschool learning so we have started the transition. We are using a workbox system that works beautifully for us. (I will post about our workboxes soon.) She has 2 preschool boxes that have a clear end and then 2 tot trays that tend to be more open ended. She works on her boxes when I am working with Crew, otherwise we are reading, writing and crafting together. Here are some of the Tot Trays Goose enjoys…..
Goose enjoys many different puzzles. She has transitioned from wooden puzzles to floor puzzles which seem to be a bit more challenging for her. Some fun puzzles she loves: alphabet, colors, numbers, animals and of course princesses!
Speed Stacking Cups
Boggle Junior
I picked this game up at a yard sale for $1. She loves choosing a card/picture and matching the letters to make the word.
Matching Card Game
Aunt Laura recently passed this game down to us. (Thanks Aunt Laura!) Here Goose is playing Monkey in the Middle. A monkey in the middle with 3 matching animals around the outside to make a triangle. Goose and I played this together the first time ,and now I can put it in her Tot Tray and away she goes!
The list of puzzles and games are endless!